What happened is that through political discussions on various issues in which I found myself during university, these stimuli about patriarchy began to enter my mind and I was thinking more and more, could these be true? Little by little I noticed in my life certain privileges that I have as a man, such as clothing (I have never wondered if something I will wear will be viewed as provocative or immodest), the absence of fear on the streets (I walk alone at night, with earphones in, music at maximum volume, without fear of being raped). From such simple realisations, I was able to gradually see the more "invisible" consequences of patriarchy, from the everyday language we use, to sports, to the jobs we choose—in all aspects of our daily lives, in general.
And I saw the harm that we, as men, cause through patriarchy to women, but also to men. For men, for example, a consequence of patriarchy for men is the difficulty in expressing emotions, or the compulsory "toughness" that a man must have, because otherwise he is considered weak or "feminine".